Bye, Bye Greece

July 5, 2019

I’m writing the start of this post while sitting at my favourite Athens restaurant, Seychelles. It’s so close to where I’m staying, and it so delicious, I just couldn’t think of a better place to spend my last meal in Athens.

The atmosphere, the salad, the chicken, the dessert salami — heaven!


In the picture directly above, the lovely guy who works there brought me some sort of insaaaaanely strong Greece booze, and LORT, I had one sip and had to call it. It was generous, but holy hell.

Before dinner, I started the day sleeping poorly, I think in anticipation of leaving tomorrow. When I start to get out of holiday mode and back into real life mode, my brain just starts going.

Since I couldn’t sleep, I got up and packed a bit more, and it's looking like I’m going to need a miracle to fit everything into my suitcase and purse. I’m a good puzzle-solver though, so I’ll just keep organizing until it works!

After the morning at home, I headed off to my spa appointment. First it’s the sauna room, where you can pour a bunch of cold water on you for a half hour in between bouts of severe sweating. And then there was the confusing but awesome bath / scrub, and this time I booked a separate half hour massage after that.

It was brilliant, and the place is gorgeous. I couldn’t take pictures in the sauna or bath are because my camera would have either fogged up or been doused in water, but here is the outside and the common areas.


After that, I walked and walked, trying to find the best place for bougatsa in Greece. The place is called Crème Royale. There are two kinds of bougatsa there, cream or cheese. The cream version is the dessert one, and the cheese one is the savoury one.

Given that today is my last day with sugar and gluten for a long while, I went for the dessert one! It did not let me down! Also, instead of putting icing sugar and cinnamon on top (which always falls off in the bag) THIS genius opened the bougatsa and sprinkled them both INSIDE!

I was clearly in the presence of brilliance.


From there I for sure went and got one last sandwich from my favourite shop, and found some gorgeous graffiti / street art along the way.


(just finished dinner, now back at the AirBNB for my last sleep in Greece, but first to finish this post)

Speaking of my AirBNB, here are some pictures of the gorgeous place.


Well, I have to go and try to sleep if I want to be awake enough for the 20 hours of travel tomorrow. My taxi comes at 5:15am (10:15pm Toronto time), so that should be fun!

I’ve enjoyed the hell out of this trip, and as always, I feel very grateful to have been able to travel to Europe. This place (as different as the countries within it are) is absolutely magical, in a different way, in every place I’ve been. Greece really is an exceptionally unique and special place.

For everyone who followed along in my crazy adventures, it's wonderful to know that you’re enjoying it all alongside me.

I will call this my last post because I will likely fall directly into bed tomorrow night when I get home, and likely won’t rise for quite some time.

Thanks again all, and I will see you on the next adventure!